
In today’s fast-paced digital world, a stable and high-speed internet connection is crucial. Many users face issues with slow internet speeds, often without understanding the root cause. This case study explores how a collection of apps designed for WiFi and router signal monitoring can help users improve their internet speed. The idea for this application emerged from my experience as a telecommunications network technician, where I frequently encountered complaints about slow internet.


As a former telecommunications network technician, I was constantly addressing user complaints about slow internet connections. Through my work, I observed that many of these issues were related to poor signal quality from WiFi networks and routers. Users often lacked the tools to diagnose and address these issues themselves, leading to frustration and inefficient solutions.


The primary objective of this project is to develop a suite of applications that empower users to monitor and improve their internet speed by providing detailed insights into WiFi and router signal quality. By allowing users to measure and analyze their signal strength, the apps aim to:

  • Identify Signal Weaknesses: Users can detect weak spots in their WiFi coverage and router performance.
  • Optimize Signal Strength: Provide actionable recommendations for improving signal strength and internet speed.
  • Enhance User Experience: Offer an easy-to-use interface for monitoring and managing network performance.

Development History

Initial Development with Cordova

The first version of the app was developed using Cordova, which allowed for rapid prototyping and deployment. However, as the app's functionality grew and user requirements became more complex, it became clear that Cordova’s capabilities were limited in terms of performance and flexibility.

Transition to React Native

To address these limitations and provide a better user experience, development was shifted to React Native. This transition offered several advantages:

  • Enhanced Performance: React Native provides better performance and responsiveness compared to Cordova, which is crucial for real-time signal monitoring.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: React Native allows for a more seamless cross-platform experience, reducing development time and effort for both iOS and Android.
  • Improved Development Workflow: React Native’s robust ecosystem and community support facilitated more efficient development and debugging processes.

Application Features

WiFi Signal Monitoring

  • Signal Strength (RSSI): Measures the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) to provide a real-time view of the WiFi signal strength.
  • Signal Heat Maps: Visual representation of signal strength throughout the user's home or office.
  • Historical Data: Track RSSI values over time to identify patterns and potential issues.

Router Signal Monitoring

  • Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR): Measures the quality of the signal relative to interference and noise.
  • Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP): Measures the power level of the reference signals received from the router.
  • Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ): Measures the quality of the received signal to assess overall connection reliability.
  • Diagnostic Tools: Tools to help users troubleshoot common router issues and optimize settings.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Notify users of significant changes in signal quality or performance issues.

Development Process

Ideation and Planning

The concept for these apps was inspired by real-world problems observed in my previous role. The planning phase involved identifying key features that would address common user complaints and enhance their ability to monitor and improve internet performance.

Design and Prototyping

Designing an intuitive user interface was crucial to ensure that users of all technical levels could easily navigate and utilize the apps. Prototyping involved creating mockups and gathering feedback from potential users to refine the design.


The development phase focused on building robust and accurate signal monitoring tools using React Native, Firebase, and various signal measurement libraries.

Testing and Launch

The application is currently being tested in my workplace environment. This real-world testing provides valuable insights into the app's performance and usability, helping to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Extensive testing was conducted to ensure the accuracy of signal measurements and the reliability of the app. User feedback was collected to make final adjustments before the official launch.


The applications have been well-received by users who appreciate the ability to diagnose and address their internet speed issues independently. Key outcomes include:

  • Increased User Awareness: Users are now more informed about their network performance and potential issues.
  • Improved Internet Speed: Many users have reported enhanced internet speeds and more reliable connections after using the apps.
  • Positive User Feedback: High satisfaction rates and positive reviews highlight the effectiveness of the solutions provided.


The development of these signal monitoring apps represents a significant step towards empowering users to take control of their internet performance. By leveraging my background in telecommunications and addressing real-world issues, these apps provide valuable tools for improving internet speed and overall connectivity.

Future Plans

Future updates will focus on integrating additional features such as advanced diagnostics, machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics, and enhanced user support options.